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Lighthouse PDF Print E-mail
Written by Gunnar   

Depth: 0-40+
Level: Beginners to advanced

Angelfish The Lighthouse is an underrated dive site. You find shallow sandy areas and reefs as well as parts that drop far beyond the recreational dive limits. Just walk into the water from the doorstep of Nirvana Dive Center Hotel & Restaurant (see Destinations for more information). Swim past the Open Water Course students doing their skills in shallow water until you reach a field of seagrass starting at about 12-16m. Keep an eye on the sand on your way down, as you will find lots of Dragon Pipefish, Sand Divers, Seamoths and tiniy little crabs. If you are lucky, you might even see a Red Sea Walkman here. Before you reach the seagrass it might be worth checking out some remains of an old engine, on which you see many corals growing already, reef fish swimming around and Lionfish hunting for food.

Turn left and swim along the seagrass until you reach large rock formations covered with corals. Make your way through these rocks, find your desired maximum depth and follow the main reef on your left. What you are going to see here includes: many different kinds of Butterfly Fish, Fairy Basslets, Anemone Fish, Moray Eels of different kinds and sizes, Tunas, Angelfish, Napoleon Wrasses or Potato Cods. There is so much to see that we can't mention it all. Have a look into our gallery for pictures of Lighthouse Reef.

Continue your dive until you reach your turning point according to your dive plan and air supply. Most likely being shallower now, follow the reef, which is now on your right, and just swim along to stop wherever you find something to take a closer look. You get past a Gorgonian Seafan and a school of Twobar Seabreams, before you reach the sandy area. Don't forget to watch out for what is living in the sand, as you will come across Dragon Pipefish, Seamoths and Sand Divers again. End your dive in shallow in front of Nirvana Dive Center.

Last Updated ( Sunday, 07 September 2008 )
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